Product name:AlMn Welding Wire
Product remarks:
Product category:AlMn
一、This type of product is a non-heat treatable wrought alloy with the manganese of 1.2%. Gas welding and arc welding can be carried out easily. And weld metal using this product is of higher toughness than pure aluminium, very good corrosion resistance in seawater, good weldability and plasticity.
Product usage: ship building/marine and offshore technology, Heat exchangers, Aircraft and military components, Motor vehicle radiators, Tubing and piping, Pressure vessels etc.
三、MIG-wires(mm): 0.8;0.9;1.0;1.2;1.6;2.0;2.4
四、Wire packagings:(Spools) S100/0.5kg(1lb) S200/2kg S3006kg-7kg(16lb) S360/20kg